Saturday, October 5, 2019

Theories and Treatment Programs for Delinquent and Adult Offenders Research Paper

Theories and Treatment Programs for Delinquent and Adult Offenders - Research Paper Example Some treatment programs for delinquents and adult offenders may be used for both populations. Substance abuse treatments are used for both delinquents and adult offenders. According to substance treatments for both sides, the philosophy they work upon is that substance abuse is one of the major reasons why the majority of the youth and delinquents are taking part in organized crime gangs, in turn ending up with extensive criminal records. According to Nelson (2007), adult offenders take part in criminal activities as a result of their being jobless and a need to make a living, therefore, the majority end up stealing while others may have been under the influence of drugs at the time of the crime. Educational programs for individuals who may be addicted to drugs or other substances is highly recommended within the rehabilitation process. Rehabilitation is the ultimate goal of current treatment programs. During probation, the drug addicts undergo rehabilitation programs that enlighten them on the dangers of drug abuse, with a focus on transforming the individuals into responsible and productive human beings within society. At the end of many rehabilitation programs, research shows that many of these individuals turn out to be responsible individuals. Improving an individual’s ego is one treatment program for delinquent offenders. This treatment program works on the belief that if the ego of the youthful or delinquent offender is boosted by increasing self-esteem, then these individuals are able to engage as positive role models in society; they are able to have a new life that conforms to society’s values. Since the direction and focus is to instill behavioral change in the individuals this method is also used toward reforming the adult offenders, as well. The hope is that the offenders may be given an opportunity to advance in life by introducing them to

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