Thursday, November 28, 2019
Argumentative Essay Writing Tips
Argumentative Essay Writing Tips How to Write an Argumentative Essay? An argumentative essay typically consists of major points. However, the body paragraphs are the core part of the assignment. This is where a student is supposed to provide strong argumentation and evidence to the key points described in the work. The paper requires a considerable writing style, which appears to be the main challenge or writers. How to start an argumentative essay? A good thing about the paper is that students can generally choose a topic they like unless the instructor assigns it. Try to choose a topic you are good at. It is the only way to write something solid. You are supposed to be an expert or at least show off your expertise making readers believe that you are an expert. To achieve this, you need to do the following: Step 1 ââ¬â Make a plan Having a clear plan or outline is the basis for the paper. The writing process will be time-consuming and daunting unless you have a clear plan. Try several variants, sketch the outline and choose the best bet. When you work out the plan, you already have a clear understanding of what to write about and in what way. Step 2 ââ¬â Handle the creative block The creative crisis is a common issue for many amateur and immature writers. You will obviously face creative problems especially if you write this type of paper for the first time. Do not overload your brain with difficult objectives. Try to think clearly or simply have a rest not to be overwhelmed with the task. Keep your mind clear; make notes of everything that may come in handy. Step 3 ââ¬â Benefit from critical thinking Once you are done with the plan and ready to write, it is high time we used critical thinking. Check all your notes and try to organize the key ideas bringing them to one place featuring logical connections. Make sure you stick to the plan. Add proofs and argumentations in accordance with the outlines. Step 4 ââ¬â Revise the paper The major part of your writing work is done! Good for you! Now you need to make sure that the content is flawless from grammar and writing style perspectives. You need to edit and proofread the paper.à Double-check the text to make you feel safe. The slightest mistake will doom your work to failure. Step 5 ââ¬â Let friends read your paper Youââ¬â¢ve done a great job! A good idea is to ask your friends or relatives to read the essay and share their opinion. They can notice some mistakes or misconnections as well. Checking and editing are never enough when it comes to delivering high-quality argumentative essays.
Monday, November 25, 2019
buy custom Captivating Nursing Essay Examples on Staff Members Nursing Homes
buy custom Captivating Nursing Essay Examples on Staff Members Nursing Homes Nursing Essay Example on Acts of Violence and Staff Members Nursing Homes Introduction Violence is any act, physical or verbal, aimed at a second party, which causes massive bodily or mental damage and/or harm. In a society aiming to uphold peace and harmony, such acts are unacceptable if not deplorable. Despite this, violence experienced in nursing homes is beyond any wild imagination. Staff members and certified nursing assistants in nursing homes have frequently yet silently been the subjects of violence for a long time. To say that it is understandable given the nature of their work is to be ignorant. The time to implement recommendations made by many researchers has surely come. Administrators, policy makers, and other stakeholders, therefore, have to use this opportunity to minimize, if not to eradicate all atrocities borne by staff members in nursing homes. Since experiences and information obtained from the Daughter of Miriams Nursing Home is reflective of the events occurring in other nursing homes nationwide, it is not wrong to assume that the suggestions put forward are revelatory. These suggestions will not only be a turning point to the Daughter of Miriams Nursing Home, but also to all other nursing homes aiming to increase staff's satisfaction and enhance its productivity.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Database Management System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Database Management System - Essay Example ata type is used in many cases which is advantageous in terms of memory management and also to make changes in the size of a field in future as required. create table Customer(Customer_no number(12) constraint CONST_PK_CUST primary key not null, Customer_town varchar2(30) not null, Customer_name varchar2(45) not null, Customer_address varchar2(80) not null ); create table Flight(Flight_code varchar2(6) constraint CONST_PK_FLIGHT primary key, Departure_day_time date not null, Departure_airport varchar2(30) not null, Arrival_time date not null, Arrival_airport varchar2(30) not null); create table Booking(Booking_ref_no number(10) constraint CONST_PK_BOOKING primary key, Booking_date date, Customer_no number(10) constraint CONST_FK_BOOKING references Customer(Customer_no), Deposit_paid varchar2(1) not null constraint CHECK_YN check(Deposit_paid in(Y,N)), Sales_rep_id number(1) constraint CONST_FK2_BOOKING references Sales_rep(Sales_rep_id) ); create table FLIGHT_SEAT(Flight_code varchar2(6) constraint CONST_FK1_FLIHTSEAT references Flight(Flight_code), Seat_no number(4) constraint CONST_FK1_FLIGHTSEAT references Seat(Seat_no), price number(5) not null,constraint CONST_PK1_FLIGHTSEAT primary key(Flight_code,Seat_no)); create table Booking_line(Booking_ref_no number(10) constraints CONST_FK1_BOOKINGLINE references Booking_line(Booking_ref_no), Flight_code varchar2(6), Flight_date date,Passenger_surname varhcar2(20), constraints CONST_PK_BOOKINGLINE primary key (Flight_code, Seat_no, Flight_date),constraints CONST_FK2_BOOKINGLINE foreign key The entity SEAT seems to be a over head in data entry and also it has some effect in database operation. The SEATNO and CLASS_CODE field in the SEAT entity can be moved into the FLIGHT_SEAT entity. In the FLIGHTSEAT entity we can have the CLASS_CODE which will solve the above issues. When the entity FLIGHT_SEAT is inserted a new row or updated any existing row the CLASS field should be first class if the seat no is less than
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Contemporary management and value chain analysis at China Telecom Essay
Contemporary management and value chain analysis at China Telecom - Essay Example This is a significant accomplish for an organisation that must operate in a dynamic, competitive, and price sensitive environment whilst also managing multiple international cultures in its many divisions that operate globally in Asia, North America, and Australia. China Telecom is able to maintain a cost leadership position among competition by maximizing its supply chain and replenishment planning software, thus providing not only efficiency in service delivery but total price value in a region of the world that is willing to defect to other brands based on price sensitivity (Boone and Kurtz 2007). China is a collectivist culture, meaning that individuals in society value group membership and the establishment of group-minded goals with little emphasis on individuality common to Western consumers (Hofstede 2012). Because of this, word of mouth advertising and appealing to group-minded consciousness in the target market requires the organisation to be aware of pricing models compare d to competitors as well as pricing that will ensure long-term brand loyalty. Even though China Telecom is a fixed line service provider as the primary service and product, the business recognises trends in social culture and therefore has adopted a model of innovation and modernisation. Growth in Internet usage in the country of China exceeds the growth rates of the rest of the world and China Telecom continues to evolve its wireless Internet options therefore diversifying business practices and divisional competencies. Table 1 illustrates the growth in Chinese consumer Internet usage over a 10 year period. However, in order to effectively manage these innovations, the business must focus on cross-cultural management, engage in transformational management, continue to decentralise business divisions and leadership, as well as conduct routine quality assurance/auditing practices as part of strategic management and risk management models. Table 1 Source: www (2 010). China Telecom continues to be a leader in supply chain management allowing the firm to maximize its total brand value and price value components in its business and profitability models. The organization utilises manufacturing and distribution from ZTE, Comba Telecom, SimTech, UT Starcom, and Grentech (Meng 2009). China currently maintains an unfavourable exchange rate with the rest of the Westernised world, therefore it procures its products domestically to ensure yuan exchange and thus maximizing profit. This also avoids tariff costs for importing mobile devices and service provision information technology equipment. In order to maximize efficiencies in supply, China Telecom must be strategic-focused and work with collaborative supply chain systems to ensure partnerships and efficient distribution networks for purchasing needs. Outside of the financial and managerial aspects of total value chain considerations, China Telecom maintains many strengths in relation to corporate social responsibility and understanding how to develop cultural awareness to create a unified and loyal corporate culture. In May of 2012, China Telecom was awarded the Best Managed Company in Asia by FinanceAsia, a respected financial and management consulting company (China Telecom 2012). China Telecom received this award for its
Monday, November 18, 2019
Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 5
Law - Essay Example be divided among the parties and in what manner.2 On the facts of the case for discussion it appears that a certain understanding existed between Pam, Tim and Derek with regards to the beneficial interests of the dwelling house and although Derek did not execute the deed reflecting those interests he is at liberty to invoke the doctrine of proprietary estoppel to enforce his interest. ââ¬Å"The essence of the issue in these formality cases is that one party claims to be entitled to some proprietary right (or the monetary expression of the right22) even though in the normal course such creation or transfer would be ineffective due to an absence of formality.â⬠3 As Dixon explains the use of the doctrine of proprietary estoppel requires a contravention of some statutory provision.4 For instance Section 53(1) of the Law of Property Act 1925 dictate that a disposition of an interest in realty be evidenced by writing. The imposition of an implied or constructive trust necessitates a departure from the rigid statutory requirements for written evidence of the conveyance or other disposition of an interest in realty.5 Be that as it may, Sir Christopher Slade in Huntingford v Hobbs [1993] 1 FLR 736 explains that the imposition of a constructive, implied or resulting trust are typically exempt from the formal requirements mandated by Section 53(1). Sir Christopher Slade explained: ââ¬Å"In the absence of any declaration of trust, the parties respective beneficial interests in the property fall to be determined not by reference to any broad concepts of justice, but by reference to the principles governing the creation or operation of resulting, implied or constructive trusts which by s 53(2) of the Law of Property Act 1925 are exempted from the general requirements of writing imposed by s 53(1).â⬠6 According to the ruling in Lloyd v Dugdale [2001] All ER 306 an estoppel is a proprietary right which can bind a third party as an overriding interest within the meaning of
Friday, November 15, 2019
Great Gatsby: Fitzgeralds Criticism of the American Dream
Great Gatsby: Fitzgeralds Criticism of the American Dream Charlette Montague Rather than an eager celebrant, Fitzgerald is a harsh critic of the American dream in his novel, The Great Gatsby . It is the American dream, and the idea of it that pushes the characters, more so, Jay Gatsby, the titled character and protagonist. Jay Gatsby is symbolic of the American dream and its corruption. Jay Gatsby is seen as innocent, optimistic and hopeful. He was born poor, and as such despised it. He yearned for the American dream and what it represented. It can be said then, that he loved Daisy, not for who she was, but what she represented in his eyes. He fell in love with Daisys life. He was fascinated with her world, her lifestyle, her grace and her charm, It excited him, too, that many men had already loved Daisyit increased her value in his eyes. (Chapter 8) The green light on Daisys dock can be used as an example for his longing, as he spends hours gazing at it a single green light, minute and faraway, that might have been the end of a dock. (Chapter 1, Page 22). The green light is symbolic of Gatsbys longing for the American dream, the color could also represent dollar bills, capital, which is another appealing aspect of the American dream. Her voice is full of money, he said suddenly. That was it. Id never understood before. It was full of money that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the cymbals song of it high in a white palace the kings daughter, the golden girl. (Page 120, Chapter7) It is in Daisys character that we see what went wrong with the American dream, its corruption, so to speak. In Gatsbys mind, Daisy is seen as perfection, but though she is graceful and charming, she is also, selfish, hurtful and shallow, this is seen in the novel by her lying, cheating, and leaving Gatsby to take the blame for her murdering Toms mistress. In a sense, Gatsbys quest for the American dream is ill-fated, as his devotion for Daisy is misguided as she cannot fulfill the role and expectations placed upon her by him. Another symbol used in the novel to represent the disintegration of the American dream is the Valley of Ashes. This is symbolic as it represents the lost hopes and the moral and social decay of the period. This results from the pursuit of wealth, the American dream. Whereas at one time the American dream was simultaneous with various ideals of freedom, the novel shows how it became equated with material objects. Jay Gatsby represents this change very well as he flaunts the things he has in an attempt to win Daisy over. The author shows us the hollowness of the upper-class through the representation of old money versus new money Motifs are another device used by the author to develop the theme throughout the novel. This brings us to the use of geography as a motif. The author uses places to symbolize various aspects of the era. East Egg represents old money, West Egg new money while The Valley of Ashes represents the fall of the morality of the American dream and society. The new rich is portrayed by the author as lacking is social graces, pretentious and base, Gatsby is a perfect example as he lives in a monstrosity of a mansion, drives a rolls Royce and wears a pink suit. in contrast the old aristocracy is seen as graceful, tasteful , possess subtlety. Gatsby is the epitome of the fall of the moral values of society as we the readers see where he is involved in criminality, which accounts for his vast fortune. But even has graceful as the old aristocrats are; represented by the Buchanans, they lack in compassion as they prove themselves to be a careless bunch of inconsiderate individuals. This is seen to b e true where after Gatsbys death they (Tom and Daisy) simple move to an unknown destination with no forwarding address. Nick describes them as careless people. They were careless people, Tom and Daisythey smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money of their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together and let other people clean up the mess they had made. (Chapter. 9) Though Gatsby is seen as a criminal and as such represents the ideal of a self-made man, from rags to riches. He is the force that corrodes the American dream, it is through him that we see the harsh reality of the dream, its rise and its end. It is with his death that we see the death of the American Dream. All his hopes shattered with a bullet. The death of both him and George, the rich man and the poor man, show again the fall of the American dream. With nothing left for him there, Nick moves back to his home, away from the emptiness and the moral decay. To conclude, The Great Gatsby is a representation of the harsh reality of the American dream. It shows its corruption and its fall. Each of the characters in the novel are seen trying to attain happiness through one way or the other. They become lost, and lose their touch with morality and reality. Criminality, infidelity, murder and lies pervade the story. The theme of the corruption of the American dream was seen throughout the novel and was exemplified by the authors use of characterization, motifs and symbols. The American dream is of freedom and of social upward mobility through hard work and success. Gatsbys life in criminality gave him money but not freedom and not happiness. His goal of attaining the American dream was never realized. The Great Gatsby Response Paper
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Education Teaching Teachers Essays
Educational Goals and Philosophy I have many reasons for choosing education. The first reason would have to be that I love being around children. I like to watch them get excited about new things that they learn and see their eyes light up when something really amazes them. The second reason is that my mother is a teacher. I have seen her in class with her students and how they have so much respect for her. I also have much respect for her because I know teaching isnââ¬â¢t easy and there has not been a day in her teaching career that I havenââ¬â¢t seen her amaze the students or me for that matter. I just hope that one day maybe I can be as good of a teacher as her. My last reason is that I hope to make learning fun and exciting for students. When I was a student in grade school I had a teacher that didnââ¬â¢t use any special teaching methods or manipulatives and that class was boring for me. One year I had a teacher that used many exciting activities, such as, treasure hunts to make learning fun. I learned a lot from that teacher and was very excited about what I learned. During my observation experience I noticed that the classroom environment helps to enhance studentââ¬â¢s learning. From this experience I would like to display projects that I did at that grade level to motivate my students and encourage them with their work. I would also like to hang pictures and have sculptures that would be fun and educational for them at their level. For example, if I would teach fourth through sixth grade, I would use fossils and skeletons for their learning experience with science. I could also use pictures of famous places for learning history like The Eiffel Tower, The Leaning Tower of Pisa, Big Ben, The Taj Mahal, The Great Pyramids, The Sphinx, Stonehenge, etc. I believe that classroom management is as important as classroom environment when it comes toward contributing to childrenââ¬â¢s learning. From my experience, I feel that if a teacher uses only negative discipline then he/she has a repugnant affect on students, which causes the student not to reach their potential. In my classroom, I plan to use both positive and negative forms of discipline, so that good behavior will be rewarded and students will remember and be motivated toward proper behavior. Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Education Teaching Teachers Essays Educational Goals and Philosophy I have many reasons for choosing education. The first reason would have to be that I love being around children. I like to watch them get excited about new things that they learn and see their eyes light up when something really amazes them. The second reason is that my mother is a teacher. I have seen her in class with her students and how they have so much respect for her. I also have much respect for her because I know teaching isnââ¬â¢t easy and there has not been a day in her teaching career that I havenââ¬â¢t seen her amaze the students or me for that matter. I just hope that one day maybe I can be as good of a teacher as her. My last reason is that I hope to make learning fun and exciting for students. When I was a student in grade school I had a teacher that didnââ¬â¢t use any special teaching methods or manipulatives and that class was boring for me. One year I had a teacher that used many exciting activities, such as, treasure hunts to make learning fun. I learned a lot from that teacher and was very excited about what I learned. During my observation experience I noticed that the classroom environment helps to enhance studentââ¬â¢s learning. From this experience I would like to display projects that I did at that grade level to motivate my students and encourage them with their work. I would also like to hang pictures and have sculptures that would be fun and educational for them at their level. For example, if I would teach fourth through sixth grade, I would use fossils and skeletons for their learning experience with science. I could also use pictures of famous places for learning history like The Eiffel Tower, The Leaning Tower of Pisa, Big Ben, The Taj Mahal, The Great Pyramids, The Sphinx, Stonehenge, etc. I believe that classroom management is as important as classroom environment when it comes toward contributing to childrenââ¬â¢s learning. From my experience, I feel that if a teacher uses only negative discipline then he/she has a repugnant affect on students, which causes the student not to reach their potential. In my classroom, I plan to use both positive and negative forms of discipline, so that good behavior will be rewarded and students will remember and be motivated toward proper behavior.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Carrie Chapter Sixteen
Some of the fights puffed out. There was a dazzling flash somewhere as a live power cord hit a puddle of water. There were dull thumps in her mind as circuit breakers went into hopeless operation. The boy who had been holding the mike stand fell over on one of his amps and there was an explosion of purple sparks and then the crepe bunting that faced the stage was burning. Just below the thrones, a live 220-volt electricity cable was crackling on the floor and beside it Rhonda Simard was doing a crazed puppet dance in her green tulle formal. Its full skirt suddenly blazed into flame and she fell forward, still jerking. It might have been at that moment that Carrie went over the edge. She leaned against the doors, her heart pumping wildly, yet her body as cold as ice cubes. Her face was livid, but dull red fever spots stood on each cheek. Her head throbbed thickly, and conscious thought was lost. She reeled away from the doors, still holding them shut, doing it without thought or plan. Inside the fire was brightening and she realized dimly that the mural must have caught on fire. She collapsed on the top step and put her head down on her knees, trying to slow her breathing. They were trying to get out the doors again, but she held them shut easilythat alone was no strain. Some obscure sense told her that a few were getting out the fire doors, but let them. She would get them later. She would get all of them. Every last one. She went down the stairs slowly and out the front doors, still holding the gymnasium doors closed. It was easy. All you had to do was see them in your mind. The town whistle went off suddenly, making her scream and put her hands in front of her face (the whistle it's just the fire whistle) for a moment. Her mind's eye lost sight of the gymnasium doors and some of them almost got out. No, no. Naughty. She slammed them shut again, catching somebody's fingers-it felt like Dale Norbert ââ¬â in the jamb and severing one of them. She began to reel across the lawn again, a scarecrow fig= with bulging eyes, toward Main Street. On her right was dowtown ââ¬â the department store, the Kelly Fruit, the beauty parlour and barbershop, gas stations, police station, fire station (they'll put out my fire) But they wouldn't. She began to giggle and it was an insane sound: triumphant, lost, victorious, terrified. She came to the first hydrant and tried to twist the huge painted lug nut on the side. (ohuh) It was heavy. It was very heavy. Metal twisted fight to balk here. Didn't matter. She twisted harder and felt it give. Then the other side. Then the top. Then she twisted all three at once, standing back, and they unscrewed in a flash. Water exploded outward and upward, one of the lug nuts flying five feet in front of her at suicidal speed, It hit the street, caromed high into the air, and was gone. Water gushed with white pressure in a cruciform pattern. Smiling, staggering, her heart beating at over two hundred per minute, she began to to walk down toward Grass Plaza. She was unaware that she was scrubbing her bloodied hands against her dress like Lady Macbeth, or that she was weeping even as she laughed, or that one hidden part of her mind was keening over her final and utter ruin. Bemuse she was going to take them with her, and there was going to be a great burning, until the land was full of its stink. She opened the hydrant at Grass Plaza, and then began to walk down to Teddy's Amoco. It happened to be the first gas station she came to, but it was not the last From the sworn testimony of Sheriff Otis Doyle, taken before The State Investigatory Board of Maine (from The White Commission Report), pp. 29-31: Q. Sheriff, where were you on the night of May twentyseventh? A. I was on Route 179, known as Old Bentown Road, investigating an automobile accident. This was actually over the Chamberlain town line and into Durham, but I was assisting Mel Crager, who is the Durham constable. Q. When were you first informed that trouble had broken out at Ewen High School? A. I received a radio transmission from Officer Jacob Plessy at 10:21. Q. What was the nature of the radio call? A. Officer Plessy said there was trouble at the school, but he didn't know if it was serious or not. There was a lot of shouting going on, he said, and someone had pulled a couple of fire alarms. he said He was going over to try and determine the nature of the trouble. Q. Did he say the school was on fire? A. No, sir. Q. Did you ask him to report back to you? A. I did. Q. Did Officer Plessy report back? A. No. He was killed in the subsequent explosion of Teddy's Amoco gas station on the corner of Main and Summer. Q. When did you next have a radio communication concerning Chamberlain? A. At 10:42. I was at that time returning to Chamberlain with a suspect in the back of my car ââ¬â a drunk driver. As I have said, the case was actually in Mel Crager's town, but Durham has no jail. When I got him to Chamberlain, we didn't have much of one, either. Q. What communication did you receive at 10.42? A. I got a call from the State police that had been relayed from the Motton Fire Department The State Police dispatcher said there was a fire and an apparent riot at Ewen High School, and a probable explosion. No one was sure of anything at that time. Remember, it all happened in a space of forty minutes. Q. We understand that Sheriff. What happened then? A. I drove back to Chamberlain with siren and flasher. I was trying to raise Jake Plessy and not having any luck. That's when Tom Quillan came on and started to babble about the whole town going up in flames and no water. Q. Do you know what time that was? A. Yes, sir. I was keeping a record by then. It was 10.58. Q. Quillan, claims the Amoco station exploded at 11:00. A. I'd take the average, sir. Call it 10:59. Q. At what time did you arrive in Chamberlain? A. At 11: 10 P.M. Q. What was your immediate impression upon arriving, Sheriff Doyle? A. I was stunned. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Q. What exactly were you seeing? A. The entire upper half of the town's business section was burning. The Amoco station was gone. Woolworth's was nothing but a blazing frame. The fire had spread to three wooden store fronts next to that ââ¬â Duffy's Bar and Grille, The Kelly Fruit Company, and the billiard parlour. The heat was ferocious. Sparks were flying on to the roofs of The Maitland Real Estate Agency and Doug Brann's Western Auto Store. Fire trucks were coming in, but they could do very little. Every fire hydrant on that side of the street was stripped. The only tracks doing any business at all were two old volunteer fire department pumpers from Westover. and about all they could do was wet the roofs of the surrounding buildings. And of course the high school. It was just â⬠¦ gone. Of course it's fairly isolated-nothing close enough to it to burn ââ¬â but my God, all those kids inside â⬠¦ all those kids â⬠¦ Q. Did you meet Susan Snell upon entering town? A. Yes, sir. She flagged me down. Q. What time was this? A. Just as I entered â⬠¦ 11:12, no later. Q. What did she say? A. She was distraught. She'd been in a minor car accident ââ¬â skidding ââ¬â and she was barely making sense. She asked me if Tommy was dead. I asked her who Tommy was, but she didn't answer. She asked me if we had caught Carrie yet. Q. The Commission is extremely interested in this part of your testimony, Sheriff Doyle. A. Yes, sir, I know that. Q. How did you respond to her question? A. Well, there's only one Carrie in town as far as I know, and that's Margaret White's daughter. I asked her if Carrie had something to do with the fires. Miss Snell told me Carrie had done it. Those were her words. ââ¬ËCarrie did it. Carrie did it.' She said it twice. Q. Did she say anything else? A. Yes, sir. She said: ââ¬ËThey've hurt Carrie for the last time.' Q. Sheriff, are you sure she didn't say: ââ¬ËWe've hurt Carrie for the last time?' A. I am quite sure. Q. Are you positive? One hundred per cent? A. Sir, the town was burning around our heads. I Q. Had she been drinking? A. I beg pardon? Q. Had she been drinking? You said she had been involved in a car smash. A. I believe I said a minor skidding accident. Q. And you can't be sure she didn't say we instead Of they? A. I guess she might have, but Q. What did Miss Snell do then? A. She burst into tears. I slapped her. Q. Why did you do that? A. She seemed hysterical. Q. Did she quiet eventually? A. Yes, sir. She quieted down and got control of herself pretty well, in light of the fact that her boy friend was probably dead. Q. Did you interrogate her? A. Well, not the way you'd interrogate a criminal, if that's what you mean. I asked her if she knew anything about what had happened. She repeated what she had already said, but in a calmer way. I asked her where she had been when the trouble began, and she told me that she had been at home. Q. Did you interrogate her further? A. No, sir. Q. Did she say anything else to you? A. Yes, sir. She asked me ââ¬â begged me ââ¬â to find Carrie White. Q. What was your reaction to that? A. I told her to go home. Q. Thank you, Sheriff Doyle. Vic Mooney lurched out of the shadows near the Bankers Trust drive-in office with a grin on his face. It was a huge and awful grin, a Cheshire cat grin, floating dreamily in the fireshot darkness like a trace memory of lunacy. His hair, carefully slicked down for this emcee duties, was now sticking up in a crow's nest. Tiny drops of blood were branded across his forehead from some unremembered fall in his mad flight from the Spring Ball. One eye was swelled purple and screwed shut. He walked into Sheriff Doyle's squad car, bounced back like a pool ball, and grinned in at the drunk driver dozing in the back, then he turned to Doyle, who had just finished with Sue Snell. The fire cast wavering shadows of light across everything, turning the world into the maroon tones of dried blood. As Doyle turned, Vic Mooney clutched him. He clutched Doyle as an amorous swam might clutch his lady in a hug dance. He clutched Doyle with both arms and squeezed him, all the while goggling upward into Doyle's face with his great crazed grin. ââ¬ËVic-ââ¬Ë Doyle began. ââ¬ËShe pulled all the plugs,' Vic said lightly, ââ¬ËPulled all the plugs and turned on the water and buzz, buzz, buzz.' ââ¬ËVic-ââ¬Ë ââ¬ËWe can't let 'em. Oh no. NoNoNo. We can't. Carrie pulled all the plugs. Rhonda Simard burnt up. Oh Jeeeeeeeeeesuuuuuuuuusss-ââ¬Ë Doyle slapped him twice, calloused palm cracking flatly on the boy's face. The scream died with shocking suddenness, but the grin remained, like an echo of evil. It was loose and terrible. ââ¬ËWhat happened?' Doyle said roughly. ââ¬ËWhat happened at the school?' ââ¬ËCarrie,' Vic Muttered. ââ¬ËCarrie happened at the school. She. . .'He trailed of and grinned at the ground. Doyle gave him three brisk shakes. Vic's teeth clicked together like castanets. ââ¬ËWhat about Carrie?' ââ¬ËQueen of the Prom,' Vic muttered. ââ¬ËThey dumped blood on her and Tommy.' ââ¬ËWhat-ââ¬Ë It was 11: 15. Tony's Citgo on Summer Street suddenly exploded with a great, coughing roar. The street went daylight that made them both stagger back against the police car and shield their eyes. A huge, oily cloud of fire climbed over the elms in Courthouse Park, lighting the duck pond and the Little League diamond in scarlet. Amid the hungry crackling roar that followed Doyle could hear glass and wood and hunks of gas-station cinderblock rattling back to earth. A secondary explosion followed, making them wince again. He still couldn't get it straight (my town this is happening in my town)
Friday, November 8, 2019
Second Conjugation Italian Verbs - Conjugating Italian Ere Verbs
Second Conjugation Italian Verbs - Conjugating Italian Ere Verbs The infinitives of all regular verbs in Italian end in ââ¬âare, ââ¬âere, or ââ¬âire and are referred to as first, second, or third conjugation verbs, respectively. In English the infinitive (linfinito) consists of to verb. amare to loveà à à temere to fearà à à sentire to hear Verbs with infinitives ending in ââ¬âere are called second conjugation, or ââ¬âere, verbs. The present tense of a regular ââ¬âere verb is formed by dropping the infinitive ending ââ¬âere and adding the appropriate endings to the resulting stem. There is a different ending for each person. Characteristics of the Second Conjugation The à «passato remotoà » (historical past) of the second conjugation verbs has two diverse forms of the first and third person singular and third person plural:io temetti/temeiegli temette/temà ©essi temettero/temeronoio vendetti/vendeiegli vendette/vendà ©essi vendettero/venderonoNote! In standard usage the forms ââ¬âetti, ââ¬âette, and ââ¬âettero are preferred. The majority of verbs whose root ends in t though, such as battere, potere, and riflettere, take the endings ââ¬âei, ââ¬âà © and ââ¬âerono.battereio batteiegli battà ©essi batteronopotereio poteiegli potà ©essi poteronoriflettereio rifletteiegli riflettà ©essi rifletteronoThe verbs fare and dire are considered second conjugation verbs (because they are derived from two third conjugation Latin verbs- facere and dicere) as well as all verbs ending in ââ¬âarre (trarre), ââ¬âorre (porre), and ââ¬âurre (tradurre).Verbs ending in ââ¬âcere (vincere), ââ¬âgere (scorgere), or ââ¬â scere (conoscere) have a particular phonetic rule. C, g, and sc of the root maintains the soft sound of the infinitive before the declinations that start with e or i. They take the hard sound before the declinations that begin with a or o: vinceretu vinciche egli vincaspargeretu spargiche egli spargaconosceretu conosciche egli conoscaconosciutocresceretu cresciche egli crescacresciutoMany irregular verbs ending in ââ¬âcere (piacere, dispiace, giacere, nuocere, tacere) maintain the soft sound by inserting an i before declinations that begin with a or o; if the verb has a regular past participle ending in ââ¬âuto, an i is also added:nuocereio nuocciotu nuociessi nuocciononuociutopiacereio piacciotu piaciessi piaccionopiaciutogiacereio giacciotu giaciessi giaccionogiaciutoVerbs ending in ââ¬âgnere are regular and maintain the i of the declinations iamo (indicative and present subjunctive) and iate (present subjunctive):spegnerenoi spegniamoche voi spegniateVerbs ending in ââ¬âiere drop the i of the root before declinations that start with i:compieretu compinoi compiamo
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Starsky and Hutch essays
Starsky and Hutch essays This movie is about two policemen who are constantly getting into trouble with their captain. Their captain soon puts them together as partners and they team up to ruin many opportunities for themselves trying to capture criminals and making fools of themselves. Things get tense between them and they get in a fight. Soon after they get back together and finally capture the criminal red handed. The movies subject is comedy and the theme that I took from it was perseverance in life will reap good benefits. The movie communicates the values that crime is ok and goes unpunished. Also, Starsky and Hutch communicates that sex outside of marriage is an ok thing and happens on regular terms. I could see these values from parts where the good police men would commit small crimes and go unpunished. There is also a scene that you do not see anything, but it is implied that the main character had premarital sex with two girls. The two main characters were Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson. Ben Stiller played the part of David Starsky and Owen Wilson played Ken Hutchinson. I thought they were very suitable characters for the part because this movie being a comedy fit them very well as humorous people. Ben Stiller has been in Zoolander, Meet the Parents, and a few others. He is a very prominent comedy star in Hollywood. Owen Wilson, also a famous comedy star has also played in Zoolander, Shanghai Knights, and other movies. I enjoyed the movie very much and I would suggest it for those wanting to see an enjoyable, fairly clean comedy. This movie is rated PG-13 for mild violence and swearing, drug reference, partial nudity, and sexual innuendoes. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Political Economy of Race, Class and Gender Research Paper
Political Economy of Race, Class and Gender - Research Paper Example An increase in population still kept African-Americans and the whites in separate neighborhoods. These separate neighborhoods deprived African-Americans of receiving quality education and competing with the whites in the labor market. Segregation also created a feeling of hostility between the two communities who still fail to interact and comprehend the behavior of each other. This research paper will investigate the ways in which segregation among different communities, namely African American and the whites, creates inequality in the labor market. For this reason, this paper will examine three very important elements to understand why the problem of income disparity exists in one of the largest metropolitan cities of the USA. The three important elements identified by research are demographics, education and unemployment. Demographics play a critical role in understanding the labor market of Chicago. Chicago is one of the densely populated cities of the US withà a population of over 2.5 million people out of which about 32% are African Americans while 45% are white (Reich 17). However, Chicago is highly segregated. The major ethnic groups like to live among themselves in what they call their neighborhood. Jobs are highly dependent upon the neighborhood where people live. In order to understand the labor market of Chicago, it is critical to look at some of the details in history. The Second World War gave opportunity for the masses to work in factories as the US prepared for war. The Chicago Defender broke the news to African-Americans living in the South that there were plenty of jobs in the city of Chicago and ensured African-Americans would live a much happier life there (Ellen 261-277). It worked for most private firms, who were looking for cheap labor and also for Africans American, who found it difficult to find jobs at that time. There were nearly 3,000 African Americans
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Develop a Communications Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Develop a Communications Plan - Essay Example This details how specific information is developed and communicated to various groups and the expected actions. This plan also details how the overall results will be communicated, the time frames for communication and the appropriate groups to receive the information. Communicating results is an important issue for the project management scorecard. While it is important to communicate achieved targets to interested stakeholders once the project is complete it is also important to communicate throughout the project. This ensures that information is flowing so adjustments can be made so that all stakeholders are aware of the success and issues surrounding the project solution implementation. IRTC Manufacturing Enterprises has adopted seven components of the communication process to ensure that the project communication management solutions results are systematic, timely, and well planned. They are as follows: Audiences range from top management to past project team members, all of which have their own special communication needs. A well targeted communication may be necessary to win the approval of the specified group. They include the project team, the customer service and billing departments, the team manager, vendor and customer service agent. This involves developing written material to explain solution results. This can be a brief summary of the results to a detailed research report on the evaluation effort eg. Project report used for the different audiences. Whenever project results are communicated, the reaction of the target audience can be monitored by the project manager. This reaction may include non- verbal gestures, oral remarks, written comments or indirect actions that reveal how the communication was received. Presentations, project staff meetings and feedback questionnaire may be used for analyzing the reaction of the audience. The purpose of this is to make adjustment in the
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Research Proposal on Language and Culture Essay Example
Research Proposal on Language and Culture Essay Language and culture are the two interrelated parts which can not exist without each othe...
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'We on the whole befuddle our fears and concerns as we go with life story. It send word be as picayune as troubling what to du...
This leave come to the fore of previous acquaintance of her be allows the indorser to query the enormousness of her history. The hes...