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Sunday, August 23, 2020
Research Proposal on Language and Culture Essay Example
Research Proposal on Language and Culture Essay Language and culture are the two interrelated parts which can not exist without each other, in light of the fact that the language is coordinated by culture and the sort of culture is uncovered in the wealth of the lingual jargon. The thought regarding the connection of language and culture show up in the start of the twentieth century when the analysts and etymologists began pondering the variables which impact the quality and amount of the jargon. The one of a kind eccentricities of the language, the interesting words and word-mixes were in the focal point of their examination. Etymologists have found that various societies have distinctive comprehension of the world and the aftereffect of this distinction is seen in the human language. Clearly, the way of life and indigenous habitat and states of life assume the significant job in the formation of the human language and particularly its jargon. In the event that the nation is arranged on the regions encompassed via ocean, it will most likely have rich jargon related with the coastline, the ocean creatures and plants. In correlation with the way of life that live in the dry territories, the way of life living on the ocean side will have many words about the shade of the ocean and the climate which could never exist in different societies existing in other geological conditions. At that point, the way of life additionally impacts the kind of language, the style of discussion, and so on. For instance, in certain societies the procedure of discussion is went with motions and mirrors, while in different societies the discussion is fairly limited. We will compose a custom paper test on Research Proposal on Language and Culture explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Research Proposal on Language and Culture explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Research Proposal on Language and Culture explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Language and culture are the significant issues which can not be watched independently, in light of the fact that each language decides the way of life and it is straightforward the historical backdrop of the language simply focusing on the way of life and the earth of the language local speakers. The understudy can harp on the clarification of the association among language and culture and set up a convincing proposition which can demonstrate to the educator the significance and nature of the chose point. One ought to examine the subject genuinely and conceptualize an intriguing hypothesis or idea which can be connected with language and culture. The proposition should be directed in the suitable convincing way and contain dependable strategies for the examination. The most convoluted second connected with the association of an examination proposition is the correct sythesis of the content and organizing of the paper, so one can tackle these issues with the help of the Internet and a free model research proposition on language and culture. The understudy can expand his viewpoint following the rules of a free example examine proposition on language and culture composed by the accomplished and top-qualified master in his field.
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Write a Review Essay on Films - Use Sample Essays to Understand the Basics
How to Write a Review Essay on Films - Use Sample Essays to Understand the BasicsWhen it comes to learning how to write a review essay on films, there are several points to consider. If you know how to do so, the type of work can be enjoyable and will provide you with a worthwhile and rewarding career.It is best to start with an understanding of what films are. Many people do not know where to start with this because it can seem like you are studying about a film all at one time. In order to get an overview of what film reviews are about, it is best to take some time to research the medium.The goal with sample essays is to learn as much as possible about the subject of film. This way, you know what to expect to see in the assignment and how to approach it. Most sites have samples from students who have completed the assignment and there is no need to feel overwhelmed because you can quickly access those samples.Movies are popular and varied. They contain everything from war films to romantic comedies to suspense dramas. You can also find an assortment of movies to watch during your free time and if you go back to what you watched when you were younger, you can see how they are relevant today.After taking a few minutes to organize your own list of options, it is time to begin thinking about what kind of essay you want to create. Should you use reviews, summaries or insights? These are all viable options and each has advantages and disadvantages.Each of these offers a different way to share your opinion and provide some form of information. By taking the time to look at a few examples, you will be able to see what style of writing works best for you. This is why it is recommended that you take some time to research the source material. By reviewing the movie, you will be able to understand more about the plot and even plot holes that are present.By using a review essay, you will have a chance to connect with the reader by presenting information in a simple way th at still provides them with a sense of accomplishment. Using an overview of the work that will help the viewer see what a good film is and why they should seek out more. By having the information presented with facts, you can increase the chances of your readers reaching for the remote and knowing why you created the essay.Using a review essay will help you to communicate with the reader and help them identify with your emotions. By providing them with information, you are creating a connection between you and them. Remember that everyone has a different set of values and while it may not be easy to do, it is a good idea to look into some samples.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Positions Paper Culture and Objectivity - 1100 Words
Positions Paper: Culture and Objectivity (Essay Sample) Content: Culture and ObjectivityNameUniversityCulture and ObjectivityA valid research cannot be done by members of the same ethnic community because such actions deprive the society of the right people for the right research work. It also affects the cohesion in the society leading to conflicts. I believe a good research requires diversity and opinions from different places since the minority ethnic groups will not be able to offer such and therefore bringing no meaning to the research conducted. Human beings were created to live in the community as one people (Requejo, 2005).The book Controversial issues in Multiculturalism features issues like whether programs and services in social work need to be culture-specific to meet the needs of the clients. Additionally, the book looks at whether the professional social workers ought to support affirmative action as a means of acquiring equity for their clients. Finally, the book looks at whether the therapy process for patients can be effective when the helping professional is from the same or different ethnic group as a client. Much of the writing on multiculturalism has been concerned greatly with attempts either to make it firmer or to reject its merit in total (Anda, 1996).In my view everybody has a need to be accepted by the larger culture. Legitimacy can only be attained if the society incorporates the other cultural groups into the society as a whole. I agree the minorities have the right to secure the same rights as the more major groups, but not to be grouped together as minorities. For example, the issue of clients getting a better therapy from professionals of the same ethnic group are likely to cause divisions among members of the other ethnic groups. The therapy received would be better measured on grounds of professionalism as opposed to ethnic backgrounds.There are unfortunate instances that expand the historical contribution of the minority groups by selectively revising the past. The minoritie s in the community would rather find other peopleà ¢Ã¢â ¬s beliefs and practices slightly alarming than their own. Another factor is the possibility that minorityà ¢Ã¢â ¬s methods will provide models of behaviour as well as assumptions that will affect the society as a whole. The new cultural mutations that have nothing to do with the valued historical patterns may at times offer the best solutions to the problems most of the people face (Banting, 2006).On the point of social workers supporting affirmative action as a means of acquiring equity for their clients, would be much better if they are integrating their clients with others ethnic group. Giving them equal chances with the other members of other ethnicities will be to their advantage as it promotes diversity. People in the society must understand and acknowledge the fact that human beings belong to one ancestry despite the races, ethnicities and tribes. There is a need to stay together in any kind of activity, working and helping each other, sharing ideas and values. The minorities should unite and embrace other ethnic groups, carrying out the research jointly to ensure mutual benefit on the issues affecting each other. The nature of affirmative action to be promoted should be using policies such as a quota system. This is where a given percentage of vacancies in the job market must be set aside for members of a the minority certain group, but the jobs should be spread across a wider community to allow for integration. The workers should also be given the same grounds in searching for the jobs (Anda, 1996).My appeal to a larger audience when presenting these arguments is to think of the seal of research as well as the science that affects human beings in general. It does not just affect the major or minor ethnic groups in the world but both sides. Therefore, both of the sides of this debate should try to persuade rather than intimidate one another, indicating an element of essential healthy parts of a healthy culture. Many governments in the world have embraced, encouraged and supported cultural diversity. Much more fair policies have allowed citizens to have the rights to conserve their cultural inheritance. Under the laws of many countries, racism, forms of discrimination, as well as prejudice have significantly reduced (Anda, 1996).The issue of programs and services in social work being culture-specific to meet the needs of the clients as argued in the book should be carried out. It will in return guarantee a good relationship in the culture relationship with the diverse group of people. The lives of people would become more peaceful, wealthy and colourful. It is very easy to learn as well as understand each other better than before. People can eat different types of cultural foods and learn from each other. The children who are growing up in a multicultural society can learn and accept different views, behaviours and values of other people (Anda, 1996).In order to work efficiently in a culturally and ethnically diverse society, a community builder will have to understand the needs of each ethnic group in a given community in order to support its members. Most ethnic groups have their individual network of relationships together with hierarchy of leaders that they look up to for any mutual support. If a community builder identifies the social organization of the ethnic group, it will become much easier to identify the most appropriate leaders that will help build bridges between the minorities in the society and the other members of the society without discriminations working with a diverse community (Anda, 1996).There is an intellectual development in people living in multiethnic societies. Multi-ethnicity leads to a much more open-minded population, where people will be seeing situations from other peopleà ¢Ã¢â ¬s point of view. Multiculturalism will lead people to work together, and cooperate in development issues. It promotes unity, respect and tolerance in a given population. People will start feeling comfortable living with each other. A multi-cultural community will make the people also to be less racial leading to a non-discrimination society (Anda, 1996).The research on ethnic minority populations can also be carried out by researchers from the same ethnic group since many people will tend to think they are loosing identity. Many people want to be associated with their culture, living in a multicultural society may mean the individuals will have to destroy their culture and emulate different cultures. Livi...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Ãâ°puisé - Mot du Jour
Definition: (adj) - worn-out, exhausted Pronunciation: [ayà pweeà zay] Examples Le pauvre - il est à ©puisà © ! Poor thing - hes exhausted! Ma patience est à ©puisà ©e ; arrà ªte ! Im out of patience; stop it! Related à ©puiser - to wear out, exhaustà ©puisant - exhaustingà ©puisement - exhaustion
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Similarities Between Christianity And Islam - 1088 Words
he Middle East is a significant historic province where it served as the birthplace for many beliefs and religions such as Christianity and Islam. Within 600 CE to 1250 CE and 1st century to 1000 CE, Christianity and Islam began to spread. The two leading religions were very apparent in their belief in God and worship. As we seek to understand the Christian and Islam beliefs, it is important to be familiar with both the similarities and differences in the early years. The thought of death may terrify most of us, but to those who believe in a higher power, death is the entrance to a beginning of eternal life. The similarity between Christianity and Islam is in the belief of not only spirits and demons, but of God, the one almighty creator. Both Christians and Muslims are monotheists, believing the same god, referred to as ââ¬Å"Allahâ⬠by the Muslims and ââ¬Å"Godâ⬠by Christians. Both religions believe that if they do good deeds, they will go to the Kingdom of Heaven (Christianââ¬â¢s belief) or Paradise (Islamââ¬â¢s belief) to be with God. Correspondingly, they believe one will go to hell if sinful. They both have a written text that speaks the words of God; Christians uses the bible, and Islam reads the Qurââ¬â¢an, or the recitation. Mutually, the books hold the word of God and is the tool he has given us from which we learn how to find and live life. The Christian faith focuses on the holy trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (all one God in three persons). Still, Christianity is aShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam993 Words à |à 4 Pages Christianity and Islam are the two biggest religions that are present in the world today, with close to four billion followers combined. While Christianity and Islam actually have a lot more in common than most people think, there are still many differences to them. First, letââ¬â¢s start with the similarities between the two. Both religions believe that in one way or another, Jesus will return to Earth in the final days of the world to have a judgement day, in which essentially will determine if youRead MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam1316 Words à |à 6 PagesIn todayââ¬â¢s world, the largest religion is Christianity with a 33 percent and Islam coming in second place at around 21 percent. According to the article A Common Word betwe en Us and You Both religions make up around half of the population around the world. Islam and Christianity are collectively known as Abrahamic religions because they trace their history to the covenant God made with Abraham in the Hebrew Bible. Christianity and Islam are two of the fastest growing religions, and they bothRead MoreSimilarities Between Islam And Christianity997 Words à |à 4 PagesIslam and Christianity are two largely wide spread religions in the world that have a great impact on their followers, especially in a spiritual manner. Because of originality, values, and unique believes in each religion, their believers respect and try to comprehend each otherââ¬â¢s faith. With Christianityââ¬â¢s record 2.2 billion population and Islamââ¬â¢s impressive 1.6 billion population, they both form the bases of their countries laws and are recognized by governments all around the world. Even thoughRead MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam1427 Words à |à 6 PagesChristianity and Islam share much common ground. They trace their origins to Abraham; believe in prophecy, apostles, revelation, scripture, resurrection, and life after death. Christianity and Islam have related theological traditions; believe in one omnipotent God who is concerned with human salvation. Both religions are somewhat similar in how they embrace their beliefs; what the church is to Christianity, the umma is to Islam. Notwithstanding these important similarities, however, these two worldviewsRead MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam1409 Words à |à 6 Pages Christianity and Islam were both spread in socially and economically similar and politically different. They both had an important people that role and spread of the religions. Christianity included the individuals of who believe in Jesus Christ. Christians are the flowers of the Christ who often believed is the son of the God (ââ¬Å"the fatherâ⬠); Christians strongly believe that Christ will return after the next life; the end of the world. Islam consists of individuals who believe in Allah, the godRead MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam1005 Words à |à 5 Pages Compare and contrast ancient Christianity and Islam. Christianity and Islam are both closely related religions, because they are branched of Abraham and other patriarchs mentioned in Hebrew Scriptures. Examples of these books are the Old/ New testament and the Quran. These books serve as their spiritual ancestors and are also know as Abrahamic religions. Although these books have a massive amount in common the clash of these two religions has caused for a mass crimes and violence across humanityRead MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam891 Words à |à 4 PagesChristianity came about 2000 years ago and was founded by Jesus Christ. It is mostly practiced in the Western world with a population of about 2 billion people. The name Christianity came from a Greek word ââ¬ËChristosââ¬â¢ meaning Jesus Christ and was founded between 4 B.C. and 30 A.D, and consist of the 3 major groups which are the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox. Islam on the other hand was founded about 1400 years ago by Muhammad in 600ââ¬â¢s A.D. The word Islam is derived from an Arabic word forRead MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam1332 Words à |à 6 Pagesreligion has its own goal, and their own path and belief to reach their goals. However, there are many similarities in beliefs. Although the followers of Judaism, Christianit y, and Islam may see things differently, they all fundamentally hold the same values and codes. To Islam, the Prophet Mohammadââ¬â¢s teaching is a complete and final revelation. On the other hand, according to the bible, Christianity believes that Jesus Christ is the true lord and savior that will grant you the access to heaven in theRead MoreSimilarities Between Islam And Christianity1928 Words à |à 8 Pagesget punished for practicing religion. The two religions bear some superficial similarities, the differences between the two religions is clear though. How the two religions practice their beliefs, the population, beliefs, and how they view ââ¬Å"Jesusâ⬠are different and similar. Although the two religions are very different from each other, they also show some similarities. The main similarity is that Islam and Christianity both are monotheistic; meaning they believe in one god. Which are 2 out of theRead MoreSimilarities Between Islam And Christianity1619 Words à |à 7 Pagessimilar beginnings, Islam is a religion of violence and Christianity is a religion of peace and therefore is more beneficial to society. It is important to understand the similarities between Islam and Christianity, specifically their origins, to better understand their differences. Islam is believed to have been started through the descendants of Abraham, a man who was considered a prophet of God in both Islam and Christianity. Many historians and theologians agree that Islam began through the lineage
Cloning 6 Essay Research Paper CloningIn recent free essay sample
Cloning 6 Essay, Research Paper Cloning In recent old ages the strong argument of human cloning has come into position after the cloning of the sheep Dolly, reasoning over the ethical and unethical issues has been the chief issue. After the cloning of Dolly President Bill Clinton put a five-year prohibition forestalling the usage of any or all-federal support towards human cloning. That does non halt the scientist with his or her ain money and courasity to experiment with human cloning. The unethical issue have played a major portion in this prohibition and every bit good as the sentiments of others. This is the hot subject in biological science, whether it s morally acceptable to clone people, ( Voice of America, 26-Mar-98 ) as it should be. The Cloning of worlds is morally unethical and would go against human self-respect. Cloning worlds has many different ethical positions and can be seen is different in everyone s positions. The value of a kid s life can be wholly changed. There will ever be a profound ethical difference between holding a kid and doing a kid. ( Moral and Ethical Aspects of Cloning, 1998 ) A kid begotten is ever seen as a gift, where as if a kid was manufactured or made it would ever be seen as a thing or merely a merchandise. The kid would non be respected for what he/she is, but priced for what it can make, hold or be used for. We re-joice in the God-given mastermind and applications that have materially improved all of our lives. However, non every scientific application of our century has been put to good usage ; some have been put to tragic abuse, even ruinous abuse on a graduated table no anterior century could woolgather of or recognize. Let us reason and hold with the late Paul Ramsey, who clearly stated: The Good things that work forces do can be made complet4e merely by the things they refuse to make. ( Fabricated Man: the moralss of Genetic Control ) Not merely would Cloning go against the self-respect of the human being cloned but what about the ringer itself? The ringer s biological fate will ever be previewed in the parent ; a Situation that would make legion ethical jobs of it s ain. ( Voice of America, 26-Mar-98 ) the ringer would see Biologically what happens to you in your parent. As the ringer goes and it will cognize that 40 it will go bald, depressed at 50, and Dead of Stomach Cancer at 60. The ringer nonvoluntary knows a batch more because they are traveling to hold all this biological information push upon them. Therefore if we knew genetically when and what we were traveling to decease of would the ringer be able to acquire insurance, because as it stands we have a bias on people with familial diseases, imagine if we knew the whole biological clock of a individual. In add-on to cognizing genetically what there future is like they with besides fell the torment of populating up to other peoples outlooks, based on the i ndividuality of the individual from which they were cloned. ( Voice of America 26-Mar-98 ) For illustration if Michael Jordan was cloned and at the age of ten old ages old his ringer broke his articulatio genus, would we see him worthless? Or would we set force per unit area on that ringer to go as great of a hoops participants as Micheal originally was. However, the ringer of a figure of different people would non turn out to be like there ringer, to get down cloning today, these ringers would non turn out to be like there ringer, even if the Deoxyribonucleic acid is precisely the same, they like us, were besides shaped by genetic sciences and environment likewise, with the religious capacity to measure, neglect, and at times to get the better of either or both, Each ringer would be capable to a alone set of environment influences. The job with cloning is non the mere fact the engineering is involved. ( Moral and Ethical Aspects of Cloning, 1998 ) Technology neer simply represents human command over nature ; it besides involves the power of some people over other people. ( John F. Killer, Stop Cloning Around 28-April-97. ) This is true in the familial revolution. As it is in the industrial revolution. When human cloning becomes technically possible, who will command who clones whom and for what means? Like atomic arms, the power to clone in the incorrect custodies could hold lay waste toing effects. There is Wisdom in President Clinton s immediate move to prevent human cloning research until the public argument and expert testimony have been digested and policies formulated, But there is even greater wisdom in neer puting pes on a way that leads from weather new sheep to made-to-order organ givers, industrial drones, and amour propre kids. The five-year prohibition set by President Clinton, was an first-class determination but that doesn T halt the in private funded scientist who has the engineering to make whatever they please. Presently there are no national Torahs forbiding the chase of human cloning with private financess. But there are proposals before the U.S. Congress and no fewer than 20 province legislative assemblies that would either prohibition or badly restrict human cloning and related research, irrespective of funding beginning. A lasting prohibition on human cloning is the best solution. As we enter the twenty-first century we look back on the old ages spent in the twentieth century and recognize that we have spent a century seeking to hold sex without babes and now we are seeking to hold babi Es without sex. Cloning In recent old ages the strong argument of human cloning has come into position after the cloning of the sheep Dolly, reasoning over the ethical and unethical issues has been the chief issue. After the cloning of Dolly President Bill Clinton put a five-year prohibition forestalling the usage of any or all-federal support towards human cloning. That does non halt the scientist with his or her ain money and courasity to experiment with human cloning. The unethical issue have played a major portion in this prohibition and every bit good as the sentiments of others. This is the hot subject in biological science, whether it s morally acceptable to clone people, ( Voice of America, 26-Mar-98 ) as it should be. The Cloning of worlds is morally unethical and would go against human self-respect. Cloning worlds has many different ethical positions and can be seen is different in everyone s positions. The value of a kid s life can be wholly changed. There will ever be a profound ethical difference between holding a kid and doing a kid. ( Moral and Ethical Aspects of Cloning, 1998 ) A kid begotten is ever seen as a gift, where as if a kid was manufactured or made it would ever be seen as a thing or merely a merchandise. The kid would non be respected for what he/she is, but priced for what it can make, hold or be used for. We re-joice in the God-given mastermind and applications that have materially improved all of our lives. However, non every scientific application of our century has been put to good usage ; some have been put to tragic abuse, even ruinous abuse on a graduated table no anterior century could woolgather of or recognize. Let us reason and hold with the late Paul Ramsey, who clearly stated: The Good things that work forces do can be made complet4e merely by the things they refuse to make. ( Fabricated Man: the moralss of Genetic Control ) Not merely would Cloning go against the self-respect of the human being cloned but what about the ringer itself? The ringer s biological fate will ever be previewed in the parent ; a Situation that would make legion ethical jobs of it s ain. ( Voice of America, 26-Mar-98 ) the ringer would see Biologically what happens to you in your parent. As the ringer goes and it will cognize that 40 it will go bald, depressed at 50, and Dead of Stomach Cancer at 60. The ringer nonvoluntary knows a batch more because they are traveling to hold all this biological information push upon them. Therefore if we knew genetically when and what we were traveling to decease of would the ringer be able to acquire insurance, because as it stands we have a bias on people with familial diseases, imagine if we knew the whole biological clock of a individual. In add-on to cognizing genetically what there future is like they with besides fell the torment of populating up to other peoples outlooks, based on the i ndividuality of the individual from which they were cloned. ( Voice of America 26-Mar-98 ) For illustration if Michael Jordan was cloned and at the age of ten old ages old his ringer broke his articulatio genus, would we see him worthless? Or would we set force per unit area on that ringer to go as great of a hoops participants as Micheal originally was. However, the ringer of a figure of different people would non turn out to be like there ringer, to get down cloning today, these ringers would non turn out to be like there ringer, even if the Deoxyribonucleic acid is precisely the same, they like us, were besides shaped by genetic sciences and environment likewise, with the religious capacity to measure, neglect, and at times to get the better of either or both, Each ringer would be capable to a alone set of environment influences. The job with cloning is non the mere fact the engineering is involved. ( Moral and Ethical Aspects of Cloning, 1998 ) Technology neer simply represents human command over nature ; it besides involves the power of some people over other people. ( John F. Killer, Stop Cloning Around 28-April-97. ) This is true in the familial revolution. As it is in the industrial revolution. When human cloning becomes technically possible, who will command who clones whom and for what means? Like atomic arms, the power to clone in the incorrect custodies could hold lay waste toing effects. There is Wisdom in President Clinton s immediate move to prevent human cloning research until the public argument and expert testimony have been digested and policies formulated, But there is even greater wisdom in neer puting pes on a way that leads from weather new sheep to made-to-order organ givers, industrial drones, and amour propre kids. The five-year prohibition set by President Clinton, was an first-class determination but that doesn T halt the in private funded scientist who has the engineering to make whatever they please. Presently there are no national Torahs forbiding the chase of human cloning with private financess. But there are proposals before the U.S. Congress and no fewer than 20 province legislative assemblies that would either prohibition or badly restrict human cloning and related research, irrespective of funding beginning. A lasting prohibition on human cloning is the best solution. As we enter the twenty-first century we look back on the old ages spent in the twentieth century and recognize that we have spent a century seeking to hold sex without babes and now we are seeking to hold babes without sex.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The Gothic sub
The Gothic sub-cultures Essay Thesis Shaking off the parental dependency of childhood, but not yet indoctrinated into the responsibilities and corporate pigeonholing of the workplace, youths are forced to spend more time developing and displaying their identity. Adolescence is hailed as a time in which youths can find themselves. The halfway house of being a child and being an adult can produce hostility and anxiousness about a hostile world, in which they are at the bottom of the food chain. We will write a custom essay on The Gothic sub-cultures Thesis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Tribalism thus becomes a tool of survival, as youths look for support in a world they dont quite understand or hold power in. The authority and class structure imposed upon teenagers is intrinsic in this scenario, as the dominant authorities (parents, teachers or police) are often seen by youths as the enemy, consistently trying to oppress the rebellious youth and impose their class structures. As a youth feels disempowered by system, they will break away and create a new class system, through which they are empowered. Parents, reminiscent of their childs innocence and aware of the dangers their child will face in a hostile world will often, quite understandably, try to protect their child. As the adolescent grows and the rules that once kept them disciplined as children begin to have less authority, a sense of curiosity and the search for acceptance and identity often overrides the rules that their parents try to enforce. Often a communication breakdown between parents and children develops. Mis-comminication leads to mis-understranding and suspicion. Secrecy is natural tendency of teenagers, possibly a result of the constant assumption by older generations who adhere to a patriarchal system, that teenagers are not old enough to know best, and require direction and instruction from authoritative figures. Often, as I know from experience, deception is an easier way to gain freedom in ones activities, thus propagating a pattern of dishonesty and lack of trust between parent and child. Is is true, nonetheless, that many of the activities that youths of today partake in, such as drugs, unsafe sex, fighting and drink driving are dangerous and do warrant suspicion. Moral panic is often caused by popular media playing on stereotypes to create a sensational story and sell more papers. Due to poor media coverage in other instances, it arouses fear amongst the community due to ignorance. The fact remains, however, that teenagers need to experiment and explore. Humans learn from their mistakes and need life experience in order to grow. If the line of communication, respect and acceptance can be upheld between a parent and their child, unnecessary levels of ignorance and suspicion are lessened and the dangers involved in teenage pastimes reduced. Bibliography Beswick, J. 1993, Helter-Skelter, available: http://www. vamp. org/gothic/text/anthro. html Accessed 18/4/04 Bexton, W. 1995, Spatial Boundaries: Etiquette and interpersonal interaction at a Gothic club, http://www. vamp. org/gothic/text/anthropaper. html Accessed: 21/4/04. Finnriorden, M. 1995, A Historical Anthology about Punk Gothic Industrial and Dark Wave Music in Melbourne 1978 Present, Moonlight Publishing, Melbourne. Hebdidge, D. 1979, Subculture, the Meaning of Style. Excerpt as found in the course reader. Mark. T, 1999, A New Approach to Youth Subculture Theory, Available : http://www. sonlifeafrica. com/model/subcult3. htm Accessed 16/5/04. Robinson B. A. 2004, The Goth Culture: Its history, stereotypes, religious connections. Available: http://www. religioustolerance. org/goth. htm. Accessed: 29/5/04 Smith, A. P. 2003, Inside Look at Gothic for Outsiders, available: http://www. gothicsubculture. com. Accessed 16/5/04 Thompson D. and Greene J. 1994, Undead Undead Undead Alternative Press, available: http://www. darkwaver. com/subculture/articles/undead. php Accessed 18/4/04. I also used a friend of mine, Primrose Campbell, who was much more heavily into the Gothic sub-culture as a teenager as a source of information. NB I just wanted to note that, although factual and historical information and some other ideas were sourced from research, the majority of the information, references and speculation on both Gothic and youth sub-cultures, was sourced from personal experience. It wasnt that long ago that I was another one of those teenagers questioning identity and authority, looking for belonging and experimenting with different sub-cultures. .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3 , .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3 .postImageUrl , .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3 , .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3:hover , .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3:visited , .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3:active { border:0!important; } .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3:active , .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3 .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8bd66da7efc75df6358307dc917a39e3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Facing Racism and Prejudice EssayI feel that this information and personal experience within the topic of discussion that I have chosen, is just as relevant as an academic opinion or the speculations of other people. i Smith, A. P. 9/28/03, http://www. gothicsubculture. com ii Thompson D. and Greene J. 1994, http://www. darkwaver. com/subculture/articles/undead. php iii Finnriorden, M. 1995. iv Robinson B. A. 2004, http://www. religioustolerance. org/goth. htm. v Robinson B. A. 2004, http://www. religioustolerance. org/goth. htm. The Gothic sub The Gothic sub-cultures Essay Paper The Gothic novel, first noticed in the first half of the 18th century, focussed heavily upon the questionable morality or rationality of the human mind. Authors such as Edger Allen Poe, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Kafka and H. P. Lovecraft are still widely read, as are poets and philosophers such as Baudelaire, Byron, Shelley and Nietzsche. The two most prominent books of Gothic relevance were Bram Strokers Dracula (1897) and Mary Shellys Frankenstein (1818).v Gothic literature often focussed upon the morbid or the marginalised pockets of humans in sociality, often questioning the assumption of wisdom in society and mainstream culture. The Vampire of Dracula has been adopted as a cultural mascot and remains a much-imitated icon. Unsurprisingly, many Gothics like to think they share an understanding and affiliation with this character. Suspended in an existence between life and death, day and night and expelled to the margins of society for his morbid and perverse lifestyle, he thrives on an unsolicited substance. We will write a custom essay on The Gothic sub-cultures Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now He is condemned him to seclusion by mainstream social values and norms. Gothic today is concerned with recognising beauty in what most of Western society fears. The horror images of Industrial wasteland and the Victorian Gothic novels, the music both evil and romantic, the use of religious and pagan imagery, all highlight the dichotomy of the enchanting and repulsive found in every facet of the Gothic culture. The strength of the Gothic subculture lies in the force of its rebellion against mainstream society, and it attracts those people who feel alienated by society, giving them an identity and sense of belonging. Most people in large societies want to feel as though the belong somewhere. This seems to be a natural human instinct. Just as tribes in remote regions of Outer Mongolia or Africa feel the need to group together, so do people from overpopulated cities. Subcultures often form when the cultural norm of the times exclude (and exclusion is an integral part of any form of inclusion) those who dont fit the standardised stereotype. Often the subculture will try to compensate for the failure of a larger culture to provide an adequate status, acceptance and identity. An argument that I feel would be viable in todays consumerists and capitalists society, is that many of the sub-cultures exhibited by youths of today exist purely in a representational or visual display. A short trip down memory lane reveals an indisputable need that past (and current) generations have had to oppose mainstream norms of an oppressive society, however I dont feel that such revolutionary sentiments can be attributed to the mass-produced teenage punk, Gothic or hippies that roam the streets today. While todays youth do submit themselves to certain sub-cultures, it often through the appropriation and bricolage of consumerist signs and symbols rather than a belief in the meaning behind themvi. One can now experiment with many different subcultures and look the part, as the search for identity and belonging becomes increasingly important to an adolescent in our image conscious society. Access to money and spare time are catalysts, as teenagers from Westernised cultures, not yet old enough for burdening responsibilities or concern about their future, can afford the luxury of self-analysis. The adolescent consumer is able to choose from a range of ready-made sub-cultures, ideologies and movements. From the local shopping mall they purchase the visual indicators. They click on the Internet for a brief overview of the history and meaning and voila, a more defining role and identity within teenage social structures. The popularity of sub-cultures in the teenage age bracket has been partly attributed to the structure of the education and labour systems that have produced a kind of extended limbo period between early school and childhood and adulthood and workvii. .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588 , .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588 .postImageUrl , .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588 , .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588:hover , .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588:visited , .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588:active { border:0!important; } .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588:active , .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588 .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u977f0caf6f70d2e00f61cf5b8570e588:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Dead Sea Scrolls (1545 words) EssayShaking off the parental dependency of childhood, but not yet indoctrinated into the responsibilities and corporate pigeonholing of the workplace, youths are forced to spend more time developing and displaying their identity. Adolescence is hailed as a time in which youths can find themselves. The halfway house of being a child and being an adult can produce hostility and anxiousness about a hostile world, in which they are at the bottom of the food chain. Tribalism thus becomes a tool of survival, as youths look for support in a world they dont quite understand or hold power in. The authority and class structure imposed upon teenagers is intrinsic in this scenario, as the dominant authorities (parents, teachers or police) are often seen by youths as the enemy, consistently trying to oppress the rebellious youth and impose their class structures. As a youth feels disempowered by system, they will break away and create a new class system, through which they are empowered. Parents, reminiscent of their childs innocence and aware of the dangers their child will face in a hostile world will often, quite understandably, try to protect their child. As the adolescent grows and the rules that once kept them disciplined as children begin to have less authority, a sense of curiosity and the search for acceptance and identity often overrides the rules that their parents try to enforce. Often a communication breakdown between parents and children develops. Mis-comminication leads to mis-understranding and suspicion. Secrecy is natural tendency of teenagers, possibly a result of the constant assumption by older generations who adhere to a patriarchal system, that teenagers are not old enough to know best, and require direction and instruction from authoritative figures. Often, as I know from experience, deception is an easier way to gain freedom in ones activities, thus propagating a pattern of dishonesty and lack of trust between parent and child. Is is true, nonetheless, that many of the activities that youths of today partake in, such as drugs, unsafe sex, fighting and drink driving are dangerous and do warrant suspicion. Moral panic is often caused by popular media playing on stereotypes to create a sensational story and sell more papers. Due to poor media coverage in other instances, it arouses fear amongst the community due to ignorance. The fact remains, however, that teenagers need to experiment and explore. Humans learn from their mistakes and need life experience in order to grow. If the line of communication, respect and acceptance can be upheld between a parent and their child, unnecessary levels of ignorance and suspicion are lessened and the dangers involved in teenage pastimes reduced. Bibliography Beswick, J. 1993, Helter-Skelter, available: http://www. vamp. org/gothic/text/anthro. html Accessed 18/4/04 Bexton, W. 1995, Spatial Boundaries: Etiquette and interpersonal interaction at a Gothic club, http://www. vamp. org/gothic/text/anthropaper. html Accessed: 21/4/04. Finnriorden, M. 1995, A Historical Anthology about Punk Gothic Industrial and Dark Wave Music in Melbourne 1978 Present, Moonlight Publishing, Melbourne. Hebdidge, D. 1979, Subculture, the Meaning of Style. Excerpt as found in the course reader. Mark. T, 1999, A New Approach to Youth Subculture Theory, Available : http://www. sonlifeafrica. com/model/subcult3. htm Accessed 16/5/04. Robinson B. A. 2004, The Goth Culture: Its history, stereotypes, religious connections. Available: http://www. religioustolerance. org/goth. htm. Accessed: 29/5/04 Smith, A. P. 2003, Inside Look at Gothic for Outsiders, available: http://www. gothicsubculture. com. Accessed 16/5/04 Thompson D. and Greene J. 1994, Undead Undead Undead Alternative Press, available: http://www. darkwaver. com/subculture/articles/undead. php Accessed 18/4/04. I also used a friend of mine, Primrose Campbell, who was much more heavily into the Gothic sub-culture as a teenager as a source of information. NB I just wanted to note that, although factual and historical information and some other ideas were sourced from research, the majority of the information, references and speculation on both Gothic and youth sub-cultures, was sourced from personal experience. It wasnt that long ago that I was another one of those teenagers questioning identity and authority, looking for belonging and experimenting with different sub-cultures. .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8 , .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8 .postImageUrl , .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8 , .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8:hover , .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8:visited , .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8:active { border:0!important; } .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8:active , .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8 .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud018e5fec569ada8cd054d2003a865d8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: My First Day in America EssayI feel that this information and personal experience within the topic of discussion that I have chosen, is just as relevant as an academic opinion or the speculations of other people. i Smith, A. P. 9/28/03, http://www. gothicsubculture. com ii Thompson D. and Greene J. 1994, http://www. darkwaver. com/subculture/articles/undead. php iii Finnriorden, M. 1995. iv Robinson B. A. 2004, http://www. religioustolerance. org/goth. htm. v Robinson B. A. 2004, http://www. religioustolerance. org/goth. htm. vi Hebdidge, D. 1979.
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